Arduino Tutorial Videos
In order to help people who wanted to learn more of electronics, I created a series of video tutorials where I go through the Official Arduino Starter Kit, chapter by chapter. This is a kit contains several useful electronic components and a project book that can help familiarise you with the many different things they can do.
I starts at the very basics, and cover all the cool things you can do with an Arduino step by step. While I make mistakes, and spend time trying to figure out what the problem is, I ultimately finish every project and along the way learn how to use many different components such as transistors, LCD displays, servos... and I even find out out how to use the Arduino to control a computer).
First video is here:
If you'd like a link to the entire playlist of videos, click here.
Otherwise, here are the individual videos:
- Get to Know Your Tools - Getting started with the basics (LED and swiches)
- Spaceship Interface - Control LED lights with switches. Intro to Arduino coding.
- Love-o-meter - Measures body heat via Temperature Sensor and lights up LEDs according to how hot you are
- Colo(u)r Mixing Lamp - Set up photoresistors that respond to presence or absence of light; and use them to control a multicolour LED.
- Mood Cue - Move a small robotic arm/dial (servo) just by twisting a dial (potentiometer). Full control.
- Light Theremin - Make electronic sounds using a piezo (type of speaker). Control the pitch without touching via a photoresistor.
- Keyboard Instrument - Multiple buttons generating different sounds through the piezo.
- Digital Hourglass - Fun with lights and the tilt sensor. The LEDs light up according to how the Arduino is tilted.
- Motorised Pinwheel - Hook the Arduino up to a motor! Motor uses separate battery that is managed with the help of a transistor.
- Zoetrope - Control motor using H-Bridge, which lets you start, stop and change rotation direction easily! Very useful. Also debugging tips.
- Crystal Ball - Arduino displaying stuff on an LCD display. Uses an Arduino Library for the heavy lifting
- Knock Lock - Have a servo lock move according to sound. Shows how a piezo can detect sound as well as emit it.
- Touchy-Feely Lamp - Touch sensitive (capacitive) controls. Turn on and off a LED just by touching tin foil!
- Tweak the Arduino Logo - Use the Arduino input to control stuff happening on your PC, via Serial cable. Uses for graphics.
- Hacking Buttons - Control buttons on completely separate devices using the optocoupler. Useful for hacking other electronics.