Toxic the Machine AKA Bob Barker AKA Mark Hughs is a Canadian boy.
He used to be all "Man Corner Gas is so great." but NeroMan was all "No Corner Gas was boring, 6teen on the other hand is awesome fun." and then NeroMan actually watched some Corner Gas and admitted that "yes it can be pretty good sometimes" but Toxic watched 6teen and totally became addicted to it for a while. In conclusion; NeroMan knows his stuff, just like Wayne. Who everybody agrees is the best character.
When it's needed for him to have a character ID of some sort, he uses a blue stick figure,
If you're acting the piss, he'll call you out on it. If everybody gets acting the piss, he takes some time off.
He also masterminded the Dead Presidential Assembly 2006.
He's made several successful flash cartoons..
- Chocolate Niblet Beans.
- Elvis Not Included.
- Other
And he's helped on other successful flash cartoons that I can't spell the titles of, such as..
- Hyakglkdgf;lkfj .
- lklkhfkjhsh
- ;hkjembrgm
External Links[edit]
Will be added in later.