
From The Sonic Eats Rings Museum
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Level Life Energy
{{{lv}}} {{{le}}}
Fire Water Thunder
{{{fire}}}% {{{water}}}% {{{thunder}}}%
Exp. Zenny FMe
{{{exp}}} {{{zenny}}} {{{fme}}}
Item: Steal:
{{{item}}} {{{steal}}}
in games:

How to use this template:

|name=NameMan.EXE ZX
|caption=caption from the image
|age=The age of the character (humans only)
|designer=Real life designer from Robot Masters
|number=Serial Number from Robot Masters
|type=Type from MMXCM
|points=Points from MM1 and remakes
|le=Life Energy (HP from MMXCM only)
|hp=Health Points
|at=Attack damage by crash (except very few enemies)
|weapon=Special Weapon won after boss defeat
|mmx=Weapon won by X (only if differs from Zero)
|zero=Weapon won by Zero (only if differs from X)
|axl=Weapon won by Axl
|vile=Weapon won by Vile
|knuckle=Weapon(s) from Zero Knuckle (MMZ4)
|weak=The weak point (Special Weapon, ...)
|fire=MMXCM fire damage %
|water=MMXCM water damage %
|thunder=MMXCM thunder damage %
|exp=experience points from RPGs (MMXCM)
|zenny=Money won from RPGs (MMXCM)
|fme=Force Metal from MMXCM
|item=Item dropped
|steal=Item that can be stole in MMXCM
|stage=Name of boss' stage (MM6, MMX1, ...)
|location=Stage the enemies appear (boss don't need)
|netnavi=Net Navi counterpart
|attack=Attacks names (MMXCM and a few others)
|appearances=Appearances in games
|appear2=Appearances in other medias
|voiceactoreng=The American voice actor
|voiceactorjap=The Japanese voice actor (Seiyū)