International Moron Patrol

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The IMP (International Moron Patrol) is Flash series broadcast, among other places, on Newgrounds. It is made largely by prolific Flash animator Roger van der Weide with voices from whatever voice actors he can get. Unsurprisingly, he rarely has trouble finding people willing enough to voice for his projects, even though most people are also a bit too eager to dump their ideas for IMP episodes, Sonic movies, or even different movie ideas entirely into his lap. H Hog is a main character, and other MC/SERers have made supporting appearances on the series, having lead some fans (most infamously Hol Tiger) to believe the MC was some kind of IMP-discussion hangout.

Main Characters

Roger van der Weide

Every team needs a leader; a person with strength, skill, experience, a good judge of character, a sense of honor and authority. Someone who can effectively lead the people he has the command over, preferrably into victory. Instead, the IMP got Roger. Overweight, clumsy and cynical, Roger has all the qualities a fine leader shouldn't have. Still, his heart's in the right place (after some minor restructuring), he usually means well, and he's always willing to help out if his services are required.
Whenever that is.
Had a thing with a mole named Millie once, but the current status of their relationship is unknown.

Bustin B

He's loud, foulmouthed, crass, violent, sexist, and has slight paranoid tendencies... With all of those qualities, it's no wonder he was chosen to honor the IMP crew with his presence. He's also good with a gun. Bustin has the dubious honor of being portrayed throughout the IMP series with the most different voices.
His relationship status is ready, able and willing with anyone who's even remotely interested.
No one knows what the B stands for.

Henrik Hjort

With a brilliant mind such as his, it's hard to believe that he chose to dispense his qualities for the IMP, of all people.
Henrik has fabulous skill as an inventor, his most valued creation being a device which is able to bring any dead people back to life, which he made for a school assignment. While putting things together is definitely one strong point of his, his true value in the team lies in his power to transform his body; a power he picked up after being doused by an unknown concoction of chemicals at school. Usually he uses this power to give himself a more powerful body in order to fight enemies with, but he'll also transform into any kind of object, appliance, vehicle or weapon if neccesary. Judging by the fact that he still spends the majority of his life in untransformed state, it's assumed his power has some kind of limit to it - however, it's unknown to what extent. He's currently in a steady relationship with the lynx Meglif.

Hentai Boy

Once, he was just a regular hitman for the Mafia. An unfortunate event when collecting money from Santa Claus left him very much dead, until Henrik's device brought him back to life. During his short hellbound journey, demonic powers were bestowed upon him, complete with fireproof clothing, horns and tail. He also has a limited ability to shoot fireballs, a skill much overlooked for the plain reason that H Hog is simply much better at it then he is. Hentai Boy however, has mastered the art of levitation and flight much better then his firey collegue, and has learned to use his horns and tail to his advantage in melee combat.
In his free time, he loves to draw. Especially naked people, as his name implies. It's unknown what his name was before he died.
Even though he's got a soft spot for all girls, Tiffany's currently his steady partner.

ZoDy Rayson

ZoDy's pretty much the life of the team, with his cheerful demeanour and hyperactive personality. Despite being the youngest of the group, he's actually the only one who's managing a family on the side, with Mayleen the cat being the happy mommy of his daughter Brany, both of whom he loves equally, even though for a long time he wasn't actually aware of Mayleen being his girlfriend...
He's most commonly known for his love of ice cream, and indeed loves to consume mass quantities of it, though he's not as maniacally crazy about it as he used to be, actually growing tired of the association that everything he did would have had something to do with ice cream. In fact, it was ice cream that took both of his arms, having been replaced with bionic replacements ever since an evil sentient ice cream cone bit them off. His replacement arms are every bit as good as the originals however, and he still wields his sword Drakar with the same kind of accuracy as he did before.
Nobody's exactly sure why his name's spelled with the added capital D, but no one really bothered to ask, either.

H Hog

Often seen as the "straight man" of the team, H Hog is mild-mannered, shy, sympathetic, but still pretty sarcastic at times. His main ability is to manipulate fire and to control his own body temperature. He also has a limited capability of flight by gliding on his own-emitted heatwaves. He has a tendency to keep a random amount of cows in his pants, for reasons unknown; however, they make for decent transportation, and assumedly, a great emergency food supply. As much as ZoDy loves ice cream, H Hog is all over the 7-up. He always carries at least one can of the stuff with him, and while its most prominent use is a beverage, a full can of 7-up also makes for a decent projectile, and H Hog has been known to toss a can with deadly accuracy, usually catching it mid-rebound before draining it. Within the series, H Hog is currently involved with Ginny, a young, cheerful Desert Fox lady who got her life saved by H Hog some time ago.

Supporting Cast

John Hedgehog: Once a full-fledged member, now a side character mostly brought from the background to get killed off.
Luc: Joined the cast as a self-appointed IMP member, though he hasn't made many appearances as of late.
Millie: One of ZoDy's friends. Has been hooked up with Roger, but their current status remains unclear.
Mayleen: Girlfriend of ZoDy, and mother of his child.
Brany: ZoDy and Mayleen's adorable baby daughter.
Tiffany: Clever-minded girlfriend of Hentai Boy.
Meglif: Violent, yet loving ladyfriend of Henrik.
Ginny: A gray desert-fox who hooked up with H Hog after being rescued by him. Has sharp claws.
Ice Cream: A female turtle with an unusual name, who's some sort of childhood friend of Mayleen. Helps the IMP out at times.
Ei-Ka: A Robot with feminine design who helps out in Henrik's workshop. Was originally designed as a character created by Santa Claus to attack the IMP, but in the actual episode she appears in, her creation is by the hands of Henrik.


Santa Claus: Father Christmas has mostly made an enemy of Hentai Boy, but has taken it on himself to eliminate the rest of the crew he hangs out with, too.
Mathsman: Once a flawed maths teacher, now one of Santa's cronies.
George W. Bush: The war-hungry world leader often made appearances in IMP with plans to make everyone's life miserable, but the IMP have usually been able to thwart his efforts. Even though he's no longer the actual president, this hasn't stopped him from carrying out his crazy ideas.
Tony Blair: George Bush's right-hand man; the "Pinky" to Bush's "Brain" (however negligible the intelligence of Bush may be). He's completely insane, and has a matching laugh to prove it.
Winnie the Pooh: Angry at the world for not officially being a Disney character, the IMP have usually been there (by co-incidence) to stop his vengeful plans.
The Doughmeister: A crazy French baker who loves his baked goods like they're his own children... to the point where he can't even stand the idea of them being meant for eating.
Boozeman: An evil drunken stepdad. Appeared in a one-off episode, where he met his grisly, burning end.

External Links

Newgrounds IMP page