Name: Kulock
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Location: Ohio
Country: USA
Official join date: The beginning of time
Real name: David
Kulock the Moogle is the internet pseudonym of the creator and moderator of The Moogle Cavern. From the inception of the site in 1997 to its eventual closing, Kulock was the go-to guy concerning the site, the board, and its practices. The site was his baby, striving for nothing less than perfection from the various sections he maintained.
Represented by a Tails sprite modified to look like a Moogle, this avatar became the symbol of the Moogle Cavern, but fell to second place with the unveiling of Taskbaa, whom no one could compete with.
Kulock currently has retired from his original administrative position, but still remains active in the community, posting at SER on a frequent basis.