Revision as of 15:33, 25 March 2008 by Rubycatbot (talk | contribs)
Purpose: Generally when referencing old fads, as it is one of the oldest injokes. The original community it was created on is now scattered, but it lives on.
Origin: During the 'golden age' of Simon Wai's Sonic 2 Beta Page (spring-summer 1999), KnuxFive was typing a post on the S2B MB about G-Sonic (Sonic Blast), and accidentally hit the enter key on the post with G- as the title, and a blank author and message body (one did not have to register to post). Theories on missing zones and other Sonic related mysteries were abundant on the MB at the time, and so this topic gave birth to many theories and jokes on the nature of G- and its relation to the meaning of life and other such indepth topics.