Quick Stats
Usernames - Saga!, HOOVER!, PALMER!
Location - North Carolina
Country - United States
Join Date - May 2007
Saga is a fairly new member of the community, only being active since August 2007. Though fairly active, he tends to be more annoying than productive, as can be testified by Niel.
His dead president's name is Hoover, because... well, he just sucks.
His only achievement of any notability would be coming up with the current name for Tech Support, SERtek.
Contact Information
He is usually open to conversation, as long as the other person isn't too insulting.
AIM = RizanFenix
YIM = kwdc2000
DA = [1] (very dead)
Website = [2]
Gaming Info
PSO Character = Saga!
Level 67 Ranger
Hoover Sucks
Space reserved for insulting comments by other users.