Revision as of 00:02, 24 March 2008 by Lol internet (talk | contribs)
Name: lol_internet
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Location: Michigan
Country: USA
Official join date: August 2000
Real name: Chris
lol_internet Joined the Moogle Cavern in the summer of 2000 on his Dreamcast Web Browser.
Thanks to many of his inane and useless posts, Kulock created the infamous Fluff Forum at the Moogle Cavern, (originally named after him) which later spun-off into the Rotor Forum at Sonic Eats Rings, once Kulock stopped running the Moogle Cavern.
He has a long-running hatred towards salad and Fergie. He also stole many packs of Chip n' dale Rescue Rangers stickers when he was little.