Ringcast Podcast

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Original Attempt[edit]

The Ringcast Podcast is the spiritual successor to the Moogcast, originally set up when the community was under the Moogle Cavern banner. When the Ringcast Radio was set up, a Ringcast Podcast seemed the obvious creation, however setting one up was easier said than done. Initially, forum members voted on who they wanted to hear talk inanely in the initial cast, with the winners being DiscoChao, Drak, Matrixx, H Hog (who declined due to lack of a proper internet connection at the time), Mr. Torture and Sofox. Due to conflicting schedules and various time zones however, it seemed impossible to get these five together for a couple hour period to record something. After much deliberation and general confusion, the line up changed drastically. Seph was briefly in the running but dropped out due to equipment issues.

Second attempt[edit]

After a while, Mr Torture, Disco and Sofox took upon themselves to try and arrange a Ringcast podcast, even if it meant personnel changes. Disco attempted to contact Matrixx and Drak, but was unsuccessful, leading Mr Torture to invite Smindas to the cast. They intially settled for four rather than five in the cast, due to the difficulty in finding people who were able to participate. However, this in itself didn't go smoothly, despite a large amount of planning. Oni Lukos was originally set to record the cast, but couldn't due to technical issues and DiscoChao was forced to drop out at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances. Wanting to actually have something to show for the planning effort, Mr Torture organised things rather adhoc, getting help from Ashuku to record things and inviting David the Lurker and Neil to the cast. The line up for the first episode was then Mr Torture, Sofox, Smindas, David and Neil, with Ashuku recording. The show was recorded successfully and most were generally pleased with how it went, with Neil acting as a host of sorts to the cast.

Editing Debacle[edit]

After the recording shenanigans, David and Neil kindly offered to do the editing process. After all, they had recorded around two hours or so of things, which needed to be whittled down to something more digestable. Neil was unable to do editing in the end, and so David created a preliminary cut. Neil disapproved highly of this version, claiming it wasn't professional enough for his tastes and generally expressing displeasure at the thought that David may air it. Smindas briefly considered editing David's cut, but actually couldn't find a huge amount to change. As it stands, the cut hasn't been edited or aired. Hopefully something will come of it eventually, but at the moment it sits rotting on various people's computers.