Mr. T

From The Sonic Eats Rings Museum
Revision as of 10:29, 31 March 2008 by Torture (talk | contribs) (Indeed. BUT, TSSZ back then was another dealio. Corrected.)
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Mr. T
Name: Mr. T
A.K.A.: Mr. ToRTuRe, Torture, pumpkinhead, THE HELLOWEENER
Real name: Mariano
Age: 23 years old
Sex: male
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Birthdate: 10/06/1984
Blood type: ???
Official join date: January 25, 2001 (according to EZBread), January 09, 2008 (SER)
Motto: Everything will be fine as long as YOU DON'T TOUCH MY PUMPKINS

Emc-twisted.gif A rather silly foreigner who once popped out, from out of nowhere (and thanks to looking at funny boards names at the old TSSZ site) into the community to bring a little spark of... something. He still managed to blend in after a while.

He's never been a member that's participated in any serious project (unlike the rest of the members). However, he seems to be a rather respected member by a good deal of his peers... who knows why. He also likes pie and tapdancing on folding chairs.

bitch ain't got no legs