Geable Geable Goo

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Revision as of 17:46, 28 March 2008 by Andrusi (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Geable Geable Goo''' is a sprite comic by Andrusi and part of the Geable Series. G3 is Andrusi's "nonsense" comic. Little to no attention is paid to continuity, and...)
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Geable Geable Goo is a sprite comic by Andrusi and part of the Geable Series.

G3 is Andrusi's "nonsense" comic. Little to no attention is paid to continuity, and events are almost always disconnected and seemingly random, happening abruptly for no apparent reason. Despite this, there have been several distinct storylines, including an anticlimactic showdown between Metal Sonic and Mecha Shadow, a trip to Mexico, an attempt by Elecsonic to fake the apocalypse, and Metal Sonic's attempt to copy Andrusi's powers in Sonic Heroes-like fashion.

Andrusi describes the comic as "pure, unfiltered Andrusi-comic." This means that, unlike how he makes his other comics, Andrusi does not consider "incredibly stupid and really not that funny" to be a good reason to not use an idea in Geable Geable Goo. This is the main reason for its nonsensical nature, and has apparently proven to be a good choice, as many of the more popular strips have been ones which Andrusi himself didn't expect to go over well.

Recurring characters[edit]

  • Andrusi: Based on Andrusi himself, and has some control over events in the comic. There are multiple different Andrusis who coexist in the world of the comic, usually (but not always) representing different fandoms. They get along reasonably well.
    • Andrusi's Evil Twins: Three distinct characters, all of whom are designed as evil counterparts to Andrusi. Dark Andrusi is an evil double from an alternate universe, Sacoti is some random hedgehog with a similar costume and abilities, and Ashura Andy is "what happens when you turn the Internet on with the cartridge plugged in backwards." None of them do much, but they have managed to stumble upon Andrusi's crippling weakness--he simply cannot stand the anime Twin Spica.
    • Page Repair Droid: Page Repair Droid is mainly used as a spare character to interact with Andrusi as needed.
    • Thew: Andrusi's little brother, who is a fox for some reason.
  • Sonic characters: The entire Sonic the Hedgehog cast exists in Geable Geable Goo, most of them acting approximately like their canon counterparts.
    • Elecsonic and Mecha Shadow: As they typically do, these two robots spend most of their time standing around together having conversations about random topics. They once had a fight over whether North Carolina or Ohio was superior. Mecha Shadow is apparently a magical girl.
  • TV Man: Originally a villain from Mega Geable, TV Man is a large robot with a television on his head. He has evil red text. He spends most of his time enacting poorly defined ill-fated plans to do assorted evil things. He owns a black Lamborghini with red windows for some reason.
  • The Porygon That Is Evil: A Porygon which is evil, naturally. Usually found on a purple background, speaking verbosely in all capital letters with no punctuation. His plans are even more ill-defined than TV Man's, and exactly how evil he really is is questionable.
    • The Mexican Porygon: Wears the same hat as Speedy Gonzales, but is otherwise identical to the normal Porygon That Is Evil in behavior.
    • Magnemite: Occasionally appears from nowhere, usually to dissolve a Porygon who has worn out his welcome.
  • Quick Man: From the Mega Man series, this Robot Master spends seemingly all of his time singing songs from Sonic games, invariably badly mangling the lyrics. Apparently he's good at calculus.
  • The Sexy People: They hold their arms out. It makes them sexy.
  • Vectorman: Similar to Page Repair Droid, Vectorman's main purpose is to be an extra character to talk to people.
  • Kulockman: A superhero with a Kulock-themed costume. Has only one pose, but fights evil effectively anyway.
    • WonderMrLeo: Kulockman's sidekick, dressed in black to resemble CrazyMrLeo's original sprite.
    • Captain H: Kulockman's apparent evil twin, with a costume inspired by H Hog.
  • The Pokémon Heads: A series of characters consisting of Nintendo (mostly Mario) characters who have Pokémon sprites instead of heads. The first and most commonly seen is Maritrode (Mario and Electrode); others include Luignemite (Luigi and Magnemite), Princess Peachatu (Peach and Natu), Tyranitoad (Tyranitar and Toad), and Samus Aron (...Samus and Aron).
  • Geoduder: A guy with a Geodude body for a head. Geoduder is based on a troll alt-ID who was seen at the USENET newsgroup He speaks in the third person in all capital letters, says he will "DESTROY YOU," and frequently thanks people for no apparent reason. Despite his threats of destruction, he's actually a "good guy."


As of the Comic and Hoax Archive shutdown, Geable Geable Goo is currently on hiatus until Andrusi gets around to making a site for it. He has made several new strips since then, which will be unveiled with the site, and several of them are very stupid. Very stupid indeed.