Mirai Zikasu

From The Sonic Eats Rings Museum
Revision as of 20:22, 25 May 2008 by Mirai Zikasu (talk | contribs) (He's an adult now. D:)
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Mirai Zikasu
Age: 21 Years Old
Sex: Male
Location: Washington, D.C.
Birthdate: 25 May 1987
Blood type: O-
Official join date: December 2000 (@ the EZBoard Moogle Cavern)
Likes: Beauty, Trains, Manga, Canines (Especially Puppies), Cake, Chocolate, Sweets, Red Meat, Tea, Winter
Dislikes: Communism, Socialism, Injustice, Corruption

Who is Mirai?

Mirai Zikasu is a long-time member of the Internet community Sonic Eats Rings and the now defunct Moogle Cavern. He first arrived at the Moogle Cavern back in its EZBoard days and followed the community through its various incarnations and eventual mass migration to SER. He currently lives in Washington, D.C. after fleeing his hometown in the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey, though he enjoys returning occasionally for family and his beloved dog Kachan. He is currently a university student studying international affairs and Japanese language. Though somewhat removed from the SER community, he was the first person to begin regularly typing in colored text, starting the small-scale Colored Text fad. He also works to organize an annual meet-up at the anime convention Otakon.

What is Mirai?

Rare real life picture of Mirai
Cranky and steak-deprived
Drawing of him cosplaying Gerard Way with an unknown fangirl

Mirai's signature traits on SER are his avatar inspired by that of L from Death Note and his silver, italicized serif text. Few have seen or met him aside from those who have attended the Otakon meet-ups and his friend in real life Banana Bat. This somewhat anonymity combined with having first met everyone at Otakon while in cosplay has led to a common perception of him as a life incarnate as L from Death Note. His verbose speech, heavy usage of logic, numerous eccentricities, and passion for tea and sweets often adds to these notions. He is also one of two known Republicans on SER. In between associations with L, he has occasionally displayed traits of various stereotypes such as that of the Victorian aristocrat, goth, emo, band geek, right-wing nutjob, French speaker, yuppie, and metrosexual, but typically does something contradictory to notions of him fitting any stereotype. He has been described by SuitCase as being “like an amalgamation of easy stereotypes that basically turns into an impossible-to-classify amorphous being.”

What does Mirai do?

Mirai is constantly under the delusion that he has time for enjoying life, and as such, has multiple hobbies. They include:

  • Sketching
  • Singing
  • Cosplay
  • Cooking (by the book)
  • Reading manga
  • Watching trains
  • Modifying, playing with model trains
  • Wandering the D.C. streets on cold, clear nights under a full moon
  • Photoshopping forum images, ideally of a shocking or lulzy nature
  • Designing advertisements for local political student groups
  • Advocating truth and justice as a member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

What else about Mirai?

Mirai is a frequent victim of SER crack yaoi pairings like some generic bishounen. He attributes this misfortunate albeit lulzy phenomenon to his occasional (?) flamboyancy and the long-standing ambiguousness of his heterosexuality. He also has a habit of opening himself up for lulz at his own expense.

Also, he likes to show everyone his Kachan.

Kachan asleep

External Links

None. D: