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'''Name:''' Matt_TY<br>
Matt the Yak is the founder and main beneficiary of the #lemonade community.
'''Age:''' 27<br>
'''Sex:''' Male<br>
'''[[Location]]:''' Melbourne<br>
'''Country:''' Australia<br>
'''Official join date:''' Sometime [[in]] 2000, he thinks<br>
'''Real name:''' Uh... Matt.<br>
'''Matt_TY''', originally '''Matt the Yak''', was a long-term member of the Moogle Cavern and is now a nearly-as-long-as-possible-term member of [[Sonic Eats Rings]]. He wandered into the the Cavern one day looking for [[Chaotix screenshots]] and pretty much never left. Whether or not he ever found the Chaotix screenshots is unrecorded. He runs [http://sonicveg.isamedia.org Sonic Vegemite]. [[Still.]] Despite what the MC hoax index once led people to believe, he is not [[Kulock]].
He is, however, perfectly cognisant of the ability of water to destroy Pulseman. Haaaa ha ha ha.
'''Xbox Live''': EmceeN<br>
'''Kingdom of Loathing''': Emcee_N<br>

Revision as of 05:49, 28 March 2008

Matt the Yak is the founder and main beneficiary of the #lemonade community.