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Joshi surfacing for oxygen while rescuing otters off the coast of Alaska.

This picture made me hard
Name: Joshi
A.K.A.: Insufferable Prick
Real name: Joshi Squggly Chaddams
Age: 35
Sex: Female
Location: Africa
Birthdate: 12/16/1809
Blood type: F
Current position: Mayor Of ECGville
Motto: "It's Never Thetans"
Likes: All the good stuff
Dislikes: All the bad things

Joshi is easily the best one here. She once tracked a bear for three days and killed it with a single bite to the neck. Then she found that it was a mother of two cubs, which she raised as her own. The bears currently share an apartment in Hanover, Vermont.

Known to most people as a 'dick', or simply as the pronoun 'Dick' (as in "Hey, Dick, get off my bear"), she is regarded with a certain amount of jovial contempt. She also has tiny nipples and beady eyes, like a crab. Her chest dent is her only redeeming quality.

Isn't Josh.


March 24, 2008

February 11, 2008
[01:09 AM] HappyHappyJoshi: It's not thetans.
[01:10 AM] HappyHappyJoshi: It's never thetans.

February 01, 2007
[23:37] HappyHappyJoshi: As a side note, I just tried to unpause the Internet.