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Hoaxes are a long and valued tradition of the MC/SER community. At the start, Kulock had a website called the Moogle Cavern. Due to him and his friends being involved in it, he started a Hoax page and encouraged others to send him hoaxes. Hoaxing is the practice of taking screenshots from Sonic games and editing them into something new. At worst, this is something unoriginal like editing a screenshot to show Tails in Sonic 1 or splashing some bad text and speech bubbles over characters in a screenshot. At best, very technically proficient, be highly imaginative, inspire new thoughts, make sly injokes, or just be side splitting funny. Despite its name, Hoaxing is rarely meant to deceive anyone (there are exceptions) although it developed around the time when a lot of unusual screenshots of Sonic games were being unearthed from old gaming magazines, usually showing things that had been removed from the final game, so its natural that early hoaxes got their name from pretending (or imagining) a given feature was originally going to be in a game, but later removed (such as Super Sonic in Sonic 1 etc.)
The hoax page on the Moogle Cavern grew and grew as Kulock updated with more submissions. Soon, it became one of the main reasons to visit the site, not just for the generally good quality of the hoaxes, but also due to Kulock's humorous descriptions and Alt Captions that he would add to every hoax he uploaded.
However, after building up a considerable page, Kulock stopped updating the hoaxes. Possibly due to having too many hoaxes to upload at the time, having things keeping him occupied in real life, and plans to put up an automated system. Either way, he announced that he would not be taking any more hoax submissions. This however did not stop MCers from bugging him about the site, in fact, "Not updating the hoaxes" became something of an injoke in the community and something MCers would either pester or lovingly prod Kulock with.
During this time without an updating Hoax page, hoaxing slowed down but there were some efforts to resurrect Hoaxing in the community by starting a few Hoaxing Competitions on the Moogle Cavern message board (In some vague inspiration from Something Awful's Photoshop Phriday). This led to quite a few hoaxes being created the but after a while, the idea lost steam and competitions stopped being posted.
Then in 2004, Kulock resurrected the hoax page in the form of the Comic and Hoax Archive‎. It became popular for some time, and brought back a lot of the old hoaxes as well as encouraging new ones. That unfortunately went down a few months before the main website and message board did.