Ruby catbot

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Ruby Catbot
Rubbycatbot bydrak.jpg
Ruby as portrated by Drak
Name: Ruby Catbot
A.K.A.: Ultrion, Ruby_The_Cat, Ruby "Cuff" Slasher, Dark Force
Real name: Jessica
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Location: California
Country: USA
Official join date: 2001 (MoogleMB @ ezboard)
Motto: "Ok, have fun."

Ruby's mentor, Neroberg, shaving an unconscious Ruby for no apparent reason.

Likes The Rotor forum, some geekwad, anime, manga, androids, cartoons, comics, boys in armor with short dark hair, magical girl stuff, Harvest Moon, Crystalis, and oldschool Phantasy Star. A whole lot. Dislikes berber carpetting and dogs.

As Wren from Phantasy star IV's number 1 fan, she created the only Wren website and fanlisting, sadly, in existence.

Is now a moderator of the Rotor Forum. Began the now hopeless protest against Video Game Violence.

Ruby loves her budgie birds Tsuki and Yaki, as well as her cat Shadow. Her parents pay her to stay inside the house. She once pistol whipped a random man during laser tag.


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